ORBIT TaskControl

  1. Domů
  2. Dokumentace
  3. ORBIT TaskControl
  4. User Management
  5. Roles


There are 3 principal roles in TaskControl that can overlap.


The main role of a plan coordinator, Manager, allows a user access to all TaskControl features, planning and coordinating above all. Manager can create templates and plans, administrate users, teams and categories.

The role is assigned to organizers, managers, project managers, coordinators or to users that use TaskControl for self-planning.


Most of the TaskControl users usually need simple access to confirm performance of tasks assigned to them. They are called Executors as they execute activites and their main role is to check their working plan, confirm start of a task and confirm successful or less successful fulfilment of a task. Role of Executor is as simplified as possible to require the least effort from the user.

The role is assigned to workers that don’t create planning.


Guest role has access to published plans where allowed for simple overview.

The role is assigned to management, quality control, auditors or third parties.

Assignement of role in User Properties

User in Manager role can edit Roles of the user in User Properties form accessible from menu Users for other users or clicking own name in right top corner.

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