ORBIT TaskControl

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  5. Timing and predecessors

Timing and predecessors

Tasks have an expected start time and an expected duration.

  • Their start can depend on the fixed setting of the date and time when they are to be switched from the Planned state to the Ready state (i.e. they can be started by the Executor).
    The start can be and usually is also relative to the start of the plan, so it is a planned offset from the start of the whole plan.
  • However, the most common is a dependency on the previous task (predecessor) or more tasks, which must be in the Finished (or Workarounded) state in order for it to be switched to the Ready state and then started by the Executor.

It is common for many planned activities that the whole plan is branched out by the dependencies between completing and starting the related tasks.

Task with Predecessor

A task with a predecessor from the example above is shown here:

Time settings is neglected in the planning or automatically recalculated by expected finish of predecessors.

Task triggered to Ready by Timing

A task without a predecessor from the example above is shown here:

Time is the only respected trigger for the Task to change status from Planned to Ready.
Time and date can be displayed by actual values:

Selecting Predecessors by Dialog

In Task properties, the predecessors can be either picked using … icon in following dialog:

Selecting Precedessors by Numbers

In Task properties, the predecessors can be inserted by numbers of Tasks or Task Groups separated by comma:

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